Silent Hill
Silent Hill is a horror media franchise centered on a series of survival horror games created by Keiichiro Toyama and published by Konami. The first four main games—Silent Hill,... Wikipedia
- Genres: Survival horror
- Developers: Team Silent (1999–2006), Will Corporation (2001), Creature Labs (2002), Konami Software Shanghai (2004), Konami Digital Entertainment (2006–2007, 2024), Gamefederation Studio (2007–2008), Climax Studios (2007–2009), Double Helix Games (2008), Playsoft Games (2010), Vatra Games (2012)
- Publishers: Konami (1999–2004), Konami Digital Entertainment (2006–), Genvid Entertainment (2023), Annapurna Interactive (TBA)
- Creators: Keiichiro Toyama
- Composers: Akira Yamaoka (1999–2009, 2024), Noisycroak (2001), Will Music (2001), Masayuki Maruyama (2007), Jun Ito (2007), Daniel Licht (2012), Ludvig Forssell (2014), NEKOFACE (2023)
- Platforms: PlayStation, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, FOMA, Java ME, Arcade, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3
- First release: Silent Hill, February 24, 1999
- Latest release: Silent Hill 2, October 08, 2024
- Data source: DuckDuckGo